Drinking Horses?

     “You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.”

     Most businesses don't have the promotional budget to create a demand for products (make the horses drink). But, use your resources when potential customers are most likely to want or need your products (the horses are thirsty), and generate significantly greater results.

     I succeed by helping businesses create opportunities for success.

About this site

My name is Alan Rollins, and you may be here because you have a need — or at least an idea — related to one of my eclectic offerings.

Project management and business development have been the underlying forces in my career. But my experiences have honed special skills in marketing, sales analysis, P&L, and IT development.

I also offer some practical solutions related to office automation and application development through Microsoft Access and Excel. You might call me a power user of Peachtree Accounting. It's likely I have fixed a problem you may be having, or you may have a use for the things I can do using Peachtree's behind-the-scenes programming interface.

In addition, I'm currently looking for my next big project.


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